AED Batteries

Cardiac Life is a nationwide distributor of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) batteries. Keeping track of the expiration date and monitoring the functionality of your machine is crucial to be ready for the next emergency. We carry replacement AED batteries from multiple manufacturers, please contact customer service at 585-267-7775 with questions or assistance servicing your AED.

  • Cardiac Science: Powerheart G3 Pro, Powerheart G3 Plus, Powerheart G5
  • Defibtech: Defibtech Lifeline, Defibtech Lifeline VIEW
  • HeartSine: samaritan 360p, samaritan 350p, samaritan 450p
  • Philips: FR2, FRx, FR3, Onsite
  • Physio-Control: Lifepak CR Plus, Lifepak 1000
  • ZOLL: ZOLL Plus, ZOLL Pro

AED manufacturers recommend that you always have spare AED batteries on hand in case of system failure.  

To learn about our AEDSafetrack Program Management tool to properly manage your AEDs and accessories and to assure your organization is compliant with local and state laws contact us today at 

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