HeartSafe Schools

3 Reasons Every School Should Have an AED

Creating a HeartSafe school is important for the safety of everyone from attendees, teachers, and visitors.  Why is it so important to have AEDs?

  1. Sudden Cardiac Arrest can strike at any age

Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in America, taking more than 500,000 lives each year.  7,000 of these victims are young people.  Because anyone can be at risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, placing the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in a central location, where the most people congregate is a smart move for schools.

  1. Victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest don’t have much time

Timing is everything when it comes to Sudden Cardiac Arrest.  The rate of survival drops 10% every minute that goes by without treatment, and the response time for EMS often exceeds 10 minutes.  Victims in these situations usually die because help wasn’t provided to them in time.  Having an AED available and easy to get to within three minutes or less is crucial for survival. 

  1. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the number one killer in student athletes

Commotio Cordis in athletes leads to Sudden Cardiac Arrest.  It is disruption of the heart rhythm after a hit to the chest.  If help from an AED isn't made available straight away, Commotio Cordis is often lethal.

AED should be available during every game and practice for the safety of student athletes.  It's important that the AED up-to-date and that electrodes and batteries haven't expired.

AED signage and awareness is crucial and the machine should always be easily accessible to bystanders.


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