Be prepared for emergencies and injuries wherever you go with this easy-to-carry First Aid Kit. The kit contains 108 items and features a padded, water-resistant nylon bag with handle. Size: 8 1/2" x 6" x 3"
- 2 Combine Pads 5" x 9"
- 1 Pair Scissors
- 1 Pair Tweezers
- 2 Fingertip Bandages
- 2 Knuckle Bandages
- 25 Adhesive Bandages 3/4" x 3"
- 1 Adhesive Bandage 2" x 4.5"
- 5 Adhesive Bandages 1" x 3"
- 26 Adhesive Bandages 3/8" x 1.5"
- 5 Adhesive Bandages 1.5" x 1.5"
- 1 Cello Wrapped Rolled Gauze 3"
- 1 Cello Wrapped Rolled Gauze 4"
- 1 First Aid Tape
- 1" x 10 yds.
- 5 Sterile Gauze Pads 3" x 3"
- 5 Sterile Gauze Pads 4" x 4"
- 5 Triple Antibiotic Packets 0.9 gm
- 5 BZK Towelettes
- 2 Hydrocortisone Packs 0.9 gm
- 4 Hand Sanitizer Packs 0.9 gm
- 1 Emergency Blanket
- 1 Nextemp Thermometer
- 1 Patho-Shield Plus CPR Barrier
- 2 Triangular Bandages
- 1 Instant Cold Pack
- 2 Pair Vinyl Gloves
- 1 First Aid Instruction Guide
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