Philips Heartstart FR3 AED Accessories
Whether you already own a Philips HeartStart FR3 AED or you are considering purchasing one for the first time, make sure you have all of the accessories you need to ensure your AED functions properly.
All of the Philips FR3 batteries and electrodes sold by Cardiac Life© are manufactured by Philips. Alternative AED carrying cases that provide water and cold protection are also available. The FR3 battery is rechargeable and provides up to 100 shocks or 3 hours of monitoring time after each complete recharge.
To be indemnified under the Good Samaritan Law, follow manufacturers guidelines. Use AEDSafetrack Program Management to document that your AED is compliant with local and state laws. AEDSafetrack Program Management will help you manage your AED to assure that it will be ready to save a life in case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Philips Fast Response Kit
Philips HeartStart FR3 Data Card