Philips HeartStart FRx AED Accessories
Whether you already own a Philips HeartStart FRx Automated External Defibrillator (AED) or you are considering purchasing one for the first time, make sure you have all of the accessories you need to ensure your Philips defibrillator functions properly. Philips FRx defibrillator electrodes should be replaced every two years while defibrillator batteries should be replaced every four years or sooner.
All of the Philips FRx batteries and electrodes sold by Cardiac Life© are manufactured by Philips. Using off-brand HeartStart defibrillator accessories can mean you will not be indemnified under the manufacturer’s warranty, and it also does not guarantee a fully functioning defibrillator with proper defibrillation.
To be indemnified under the Good Samaritan Law, follow manufacturers guidelines. Use AEDSafetrack Program Management to document that your Automated External Defibrillator is compliant with local and state laws. AEDSafetrack Program Management will help you manage your defibrillator to assure that it will be ready to save a life in case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Need a new Philips Defibrillator?
Cardiac Life offers the Philips HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator and the Philips HeartStart FRx Defibrillator for the minimally trained users.
Philips Fast Response Kit
Philips OEM Infrared Data Cable